Gods Unchained Weekly Tournament Calculator

This tool will help you determine awards for account on weekly tournament. Please, add this url in your bookmark, if you already using it for tracking, url contains exact version. New version might erase progress.

You may input only username, but for fast mode required to specify user id. Don't forget to pick highest rank! All data saved in cookies by default, you may use it as manual counter aswell.

User ID is prior to username, your username will be automatically updated on full fetch.
Caching for Usernames - recommended default option, will help to speed up multiply fetches.
Full Preload Usernames - recommended default option, will preload all usernames, script should work immediatly, use until it working for you, option Caching for Usernames will be ignored.
Update Using Cached Data - for those, who want to see another person's progress, without refreshing data. Don't Save Current Info in Cookies - help you prevent overwriting of your data.
Fast Update - will skip fetching usernames.

Example usage:
1) Select current or latest weekly tournament. Done automatically by default.
2) Input Username of player. Left User ID blank.
3) Select Highest Rank. (Optional, you can do it later.)
4) Press Start Fetch Data.
You may use Update Using Cached Data after first full fetch, for checking multiple players.

Load From Cookies

Matches Per Req.:

User ID:



Win Rate:

(Last Match Info of Selected User in Specified Interval)

(Status Message)

Highest Rank


Tier Prize
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